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History of A Fund, Inc.

A Fund, Inc. is a very small group with one purpose—to provide funding for women who are otherwise unable to pay for abortions.

A Fund, Inc. was founded in 1993 by Bob. He became aware of the need in our community to provide funding to clients in need of financial assistance for terminations of pregnancy and he convened a group of like-minded folks who came together to set up A Fund. Bob made initial contacts with some key donors and the board of directors started raising money. We worked out a system of payments to abortion providers in our area and the surrounding states. Payments are made only to providers. Our treasurer picks up mailed donations and handles deposits, maintains records, and directs payments to clinics, upon verification of services rendered.

We became incorporated as a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. Many wonderful people have served on our board since 1993, but A Fund would not have functioned without the volunteers who provided intake services over the years. In 2010, the year of the Great Recession, we were so overwhelmed with incoming phone calls that, in 2011,  we implemented a “block grant” method of dispensing funds to needy clients. We started sending block grants of monies directly to our most frequently used cooperating clinics (Louisville and Dayton, OH). Clinic staff has the discretion to disburse funds directly from the block grant when a client comes to the clinic who is short of cash to pay for the abortion. (Virtually no health insurance covers abortion and virtually no abortion clinic is able to handle insurance billings. Clients must have cash, or a credit card, in order to access abortion services.) The clinics submit regular reports to A Fund, detailing how the funds have been disbursed, using a report form signed by each client helped.

A Fund then replenishes the block grant at each clinic, based on the success of our fundraising. Other clinics which do not receive block grants simply invoice A Fund for

the monies pledged for each A Fund patient served.

In 2018, our 25th anniversary year, we started a program to help support costs for Long Acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARCs, i.e. IUDs and implants). A Fund is continuing to develop means to defray costs of LARCs for Metro-Louisville and Kentucky clients.

Thanks to our generous donors, like you, we are able to continue helping Kentucky women in need.

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